As the United States becomes an increasingly multicultural society, the Posse Foundation believes that the leaders of the 21st century should reflect the country’s rich demographic mix. Posse has developed a program to address issues of diversity on college campuses through the selection, support, long-term retention, and graduation of students from non-traditional, urban backgrounds. The program includes recruiting teams (“Posses”) of highly motivated high school students, training such teams in educational leadership and organizational development, and assisting such teams in admission to the nation’s top private colleges. Once a Posse is admitted to a college, the team functions as a social support network and receives continued guidance from the Posse Foundation in the form of counseling, additional training, and group programming such as the Posse Plus Retreat (PPR). Each student of the Posse program not only benefits individually, but also promotes positive change and growth to the greater campus community. Trinity College cultivates the Posse Foundation’s mission by providing scholarships, administrative support, and additional group programming to foster the success of each student.


Student Profiles

Meet our Posse Scholars and learn about their Trinity experiences.


Alumni Profiles

Our Posse alumni are making a difference and achieving success in their lives after Trinity. See where some of our former students are now.


PossePlus Retreat

The PossePlus Retreat is an annual event for Posse students, faculty, and staff to come together to discuss a topic relevant to our community.